PVL Series

PVL Series Parker là dòng van xếp chồng dẫn hướng bằng khí nén. Van PVL có thể được cấu hình là loại plugin hoặc non-plugin. Chức năng là 5/2, 5/3 và 3/2 kép. Kết nối điện là đầu nối DIN 3 chân 15 mm hoặc Dsub 25 chân. Cổng dẫn hướng bằng khí nén là ống 5/32".

Traditional wiring Stackable Series

The PVL Series stacking system permits assembly of several valves into one stack. Supply is connected at either a single or a dual head/tail set. Two common exhaust galleries are provided. Connections to outlet ports 2 and 4 on each valve can be accomplished by threaded pipe or instant tube fittings. Electrical connection is made to each solenoid using a 15 mm – 3 pin – 8 mm spacing connector plug. Each stack assembly can handle any combination of the following valve types :
– Single or double solenoid
– Single or double Remote air Pilot
Both PVL-B & PVL-C valve sizes can be combined in one stack using a transition kit.

Traditional wiring Stand- alone Series

Very useful to control isolated cylinders, these stand-alone valve Series are compact and easy to mount on the machines close to the actuator with neat electrical or remote pneumatic pilot. Available with solenoid pilots traditional wiring or remote air pilot, these Series can also be stacked and mixed into a stacking valve island Series.

Valvetronic Stackable Series

Including an integrated electrical connection, the Valvetronic Series allowed a multi-wiring connection. The construction of the stack determines the relationship of each connector pin and the device is to control. The address of each solenoid valve is based on its physical position in the stack. Each stack assembly can handlle any combination of pneumatic functions.

Mã Sản phẩm Valve size Connection Description
PVL-C121619 PVL-C G 1/4 5/2 single acting / Spring return
PVL-C121419 PVL-C G 1/4 5/2 single acting / Spring return